Bertram's Inkwell Blog - Talk About Writing

Aurora Blue/Black Fountain Pen Ink

Aurora Blue/Black Fountain Pen Ink

Aurora Pen Company now has 3 – yes, that’s t-h-r-e-e, colors of ink! While Diamine may have 100, who knows how many colors Noodler’s has, and Private Reserve has 30+...

Aurora Blue/Black Fountain Pen Ink

Aurora Pen Company now has 3 – yes, that’s t-h-r-e-e, colors of ink! While Diamine may have 100, who knows how many colors Noodler’s has, and Private Reserve has 30+...

Bexley Pocket Pro Fountain Pen

Bexley Pocket Pro Fountain Pen

The latest and greatest from Bexley Pen Co. has hit the shelves! This fun-size pen packs as much power in it’s smaller dimensions as a full-sized fountain pen! The smaller...

Bexley Pocket Pro Fountain Pen

The latest and greatest from Bexley Pen Co. has hit the shelves! This fun-size pen packs as much power in it’s smaller dimensions as a full-sized fountain pen! The smaller...

Baltimore Pen Show

Baltimore Washington International Pen Show

Dear Pen Friends and Enthusiasts, I can’t believe that the Baltimore Washington International (BWI) Pen Show is coming up in just a few short days! Another milestone is the fact...

Baltimore Washington International Pen Show

Dear Pen Friends and Enthusiasts, I can’t believe that the Baltimore Washington International (BWI) Pen Show is coming up in just a few short days! Another milestone is the fact...

Lamy Al Star Pacific Blue Special Edition

Lamy Al Star Pacific Blue Special Edition

Lamy starts 2017 with a new Special Edition Al Star collection, and they call it Pacific Blue. Lamy jumped on the bandwagon with special editions a few years ago. I...

Lamy Al Star Pacific Blue Special Edition

Lamy starts 2017 with a new Special Edition Al Star collection, and they call it Pacific Blue. Lamy jumped on the bandwagon with special editions a few years ago. I...

Pelikan M101N Bright Red

Pelikan M101N Bright Red Special Edition

Bertram’s Inkwell introduces the new Pelikan M101N Bright Red! The new special edition Pelikan M101N Bright Red has a unique presence and intense luminosity reflected in this elegant masterpiece. The...

Pelikan M101N Bright Red Special Edition

Bertram’s Inkwell introduces the new Pelikan M101N Bright Red! The new special edition Pelikan M101N Bright Red has a unique presence and intense luminosity reflected in this elegant masterpiece. The...

Fountain Pens 101: An Introduction To Care And Maintainance

Fountain Pens 101: An Introduction To Care And ...

Hey Fans of Fountain Pens, Check out what we found in the Bertram’s Inkwell Archives! This informative article gives new fountain pen enthusiasts detailed, and step-by-step instructions on the care...

Fountain Pens 101: An Introduction To Care And ...

Hey Fans of Fountain Pens, Check out what we found in the Bertram’s Inkwell Archives! This informative article gives new fountain pen enthusiasts detailed, and step-by-step instructions on the care...