Collection: David Oscarson Ellis Island Folding Knife

Inspired by the eponymous collection of Limited Edition writing instruments, the Ellis Island Folding Knife stands as a tribute to the millions of immigrants who came to the United States seeking freedom and opportunity and who together built a great nation “out of many, one”.

Flags from countries with the greatest numbers of immigrants from 1892 to 1954 are displayed in high and low relief guilloché engraving and finished in translucent and opaque hot enamels. The monochromatic American flag stands in high relief above Lady Liberty, and engraved underneath are the famous words penned by Emma Lazarus:  "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The Ellis Island Folding Knife continues in the spirit of artistic mastery and the tradition of Old World craftsmanship by combining the centuries-old technique of Guilloché with the art and expertise of Hard Enamel

The Ellis Island Folding Knife will be produced in the following color variations, each limited to 62 pieces:

Translucent Ruby Red Hard Enamel
Translucent White Hard Enamel
Translucent Sapphire Blue Hard Enamel 

David Oscarson Ellis Island Folding Knife

3 products